This kind of cooking gets me all excited... To plagiarize a little from the Exclusive Books website: 'allowing the ingredients to simmer away while you get on with other things, or simply kick back and relax'
I am going to pop down to Exclusive Books this afternoon, on my way home, to buy this book. Ordinarily, I would just buy it online but I am eager to get it! Buying online takes 5 to 7 days until you have the book. I must have it NOW!
The plan is to then review the book for you, my avid blog readers. Hopefully, this will be the first of many reviews that I post on this blog site.
I am also looking into the Affiliate program with Exclusive Books to link in to my blog. This program is not available at the moment - something about internal restructuring - I have mailed them to ask when they will be back up and running. I eagerly await their answer.
Soon (hopefully) you will be able to link in to Exclusive Books directly from my blog... Nice hey?
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