Friday, July 25, 2008

The Night Off: Boys Night

Every Thursday is Boys Night. The evening consists primarily of good food, good wine, good company and good music.

One of the founding members of Boys Night, Jules, graced us with his presence last night - all the way from bloody Auckland, New Zealand! None the less, last night was truly one of the greats...

Now, you may notice the picture is not of anything culinary. Here's the thing... The one and only rule for Boys Night is that what is said there, stays there.

This basically means: Sorry for you! I can't tell you about the toilet humour and loud, rambunctious behaviour of the boys. I also can't tell you that.... ssshhh... sometimes we even have women at Boys Night.... ssshhh. It goes without saying that these 'lady boys' have to assume names like Frank, Hank and John to even be allowed into the conversation.

I must tell you that the ellusive Garlic Bread I mentioned before, made an appearance last night. A BIG thank you to Chef Sam. It lasted all of 2 minutes and there was nothing left... crumbs, bits, all gone. Sorry Sandy.

Alas, poor Yorick, tis Friday. I 'jest' not! Tonight, I make crème brûlée for my team (as in the people that I work with). Tomorrow, we eat, we drink, we have a sherry (or five).

P.S. Just for Jonny: I continue to ponder the thought - why is a woman's wedding dress white...?

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